If your answer is “No” to one or more of the questions listed below OR if your answer is “Yes” to the last question then you should definitely attempt this adventure!
Have you ever gone on a vigorous hike up into the foothills of the beautiful Maya Mountains in Belize?

Whenever you are traveling, have you ever flown over a sinkhole that looks like this?

This is called the Actun Loch Tunich – “Mother of all Caves”. It sits 300 feet above the basin and 200 feet above the lush forest canopy that grows upwards from inside the sinkhole. This is approximately a depth that can hold a building about 30 stories high.
Look at this little guy. You can’t imagine how proud he is of himself!

Have you ever felt proud of yourself for attempting something very adventurous and completing it successfully?
Have you ever felt so scared to do something that you voluntarily attempted? Have you ever had a frightened look on your face like this one?

This is what it feels like to stand on the edge of the basin knowing that if you look down, or in this case look back, you will see a pit of black nothingness. You don’t know what’s in that dark sinkhole waiting for you.
Have you ever rappelled into a deep dark hole in the forest like this one?

This will surpass the fear you have of heights! This feeling is one that you must experience. Look how brave she is smiling as she is lowered into the sinkhole. This is why it is called the black hole drop tour.
Have you ever felt so tiny on a rope that you can’t even see where the end goes?

The bottom looks pitch black but gets clearer and clearer as you approach the base of the sinkhole.
Have you ever done the black hole drop tour and enjoyed this adventure because it’s like nothing you have ever done before? Maybe it is time to try it again, or you can try something a little different that will still allow you to rappel into the “Mother of all caves” like the overnight Belize caving expeditions!
So, should you attempt the black hole drop tour at Ian Anderson Caves Branch? If you have done this before, tell us your experience.