Two years ago Caves Branch Botanical Garden initiated a project spanning a 3-4 year timeframe, with multiple expeditions, conducting the inventory of epiphytes (plants that live on other plants) of Belize in collaboration with Marie Selby Botanical Garden, Sarasota, Florida. The purpose of this project is to bring attention to those plants that may disappear due to logging or agricultural development. Since 2014 our team has embarked on multiple field expeditions in all districts of Belize, going to the areas that had very little botanical data due to their remoteness or harsh terrain. You can follow our work on our Facebook page Caves Branch Botanical Garden.

As you may have followed, we have shared many photos and posts on our social media outlets regarding the most recent expedition into the Cocoa Branch area of the Sittee River Forest Reserve. Planning and preparation of the trip started in 2015 by Dr. Steven Brewer (well-known forest and plant ecologist) and Caves Branch guiding manager Darrel Smith. The expedition consisted of Caves Branch Botanical team and tour guides, Bruce Holst (the Director of Botany from Marie Selby Botanical Garden and leading epiphytes expert), and joined by Dr. Elma Kay, from ERI (University of Belize).

Featured here are bits out of the trail diary that Bruce Holst, the leading international expert in epiphytes studies and the Director of Botany from Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Florida has so graciously shared. We hope you enjoy this short narrated highlights from the rugged botanical trail blazers – Exploring the Frontiers of Belize – a Traveloque.